Superdry has taken a strategic approach to its RFID technology deployment, ensuring that the system achieved the effectiveness it needed at several dozen stores before deploying the technology across all of its sites. As a result, the company ha
Inventory control, authenticity, security and the customer experience, with or without RFID, are just part of what the Internet of Packaging has already begun to...
EPC Solution International Group旗下的恆隆科技,日前將全球RFID(無線射頻辨識)設備大廠Alien的方案引進臺灣,並做為Alien在大中華區RFID獨家代理。面對即將引爆的RFID商機,Alien已與聯電、臺積電洽談過RFID晶片製造事宜,不排除與臺商合作,藉以降低晶片成本。